Clean the brace with a hard brush (designated only for the brace) and toothpaste or liquid soap after each removal.
Every 2 weeks or when you notice tartar on the brace, dissolve a special denture tablet in a glass of water, soak the brace for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.
If not in use, always store the brace in a plastic box with holes.
Every 6 months necessary dental check-up with the attending physician
Do not eat with the brace; only water is allowed.
Successful treatment depends on regular orthodontic check-ups every 6 weeks.
Bring your toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your teeth before each appointment.
Always attend appointments with your brace.
For successful treatment, wear the brace 16 hours a day (all night + approx. 4 hours during the day, preferably after school).
Do not play sports with the brace in your mouth.
Parents are responsible for ensuring the brace is worn for the required number of hours daily.
Parents are responsible for turning the brace screw as per the orthodontist’s instructions.